Cellulite Removal Treatment in Abu Dhabi khalifa City & Al Ain | Cost
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Cellulite Removal Treatment in Abu Dhabi

Cellulite is one of the main problems of a modern woman in the UAE. The unaesthetic tuberosity on the hips does not fit into the style of contemporary life at all. Therefore the most extreme attention has to be paid to getting rid of cellulite. All three branches of the science of beauty have anti-cellulite products. Cellulite Removal Treatment in Abu Dhabi approaches radically, creating the opportunity to get rid of cellulite along with the subcutaneous layer of fat during liposuction. 

Quick Facts:

  • Cost: Completely affordable
  • Gender: 90% of women face it
  • Target: Thighs, and buttocks
  • Session required: Only 3-5
  • Outcome ratio: 15-30% reduction
  • Recovery time: Within 2-4 weeks
  • Duration: 30-60 minutes
  • Reduction: 1-2 inches
  • Improvement rate: 40-60% improved tone and texture
  • Downtime: Almost 1-3 days
  • Complete recovery: Within 1-2 weeks
  • Back to desk work: Within 1-3 days
  • Treatment type: Non-surgical, surgical, topical 


Cellulite is classified as a completely harmless issue faced within the body caused by the fatty tissues. These fatty tissues appear to be lumpy with dimples on specific parts of the body like on thighs, buttocks, abdomen, hips, etc. They are often formed when deposits of fat cells are pushed through the connective tissues, resulting in an uneven surface of the skin. 


At its core, cellulite results from a metabolic disorder in the connective tissue and subcutaneous fat, a manifestation of their dystrophic processes. The causes of the problem include:


The Cellulite removal treatment cost can range from 7,000 AED to 10,000 AED. After the initial consultation, the doctor determines the actual cost because it varies from case to case, and several factors affect it.

Hormonal Factor:

The imbalance of female sex hormones and the violation of their metabolism leads to a slowdown in the metabolism of fats, resulting in body weight changes.

Alimentary Factor:

Adipose tissue can increase its volume compared to others. Excess nutrition and an unbalanced diet raise fat production, provoking hyperinsulinemia. An increase in fat cells leads to oxygen starvation, deterioration of microcirculation, and tissue edema.

Vascular Factor:

Violation of blood flow and lymph flow is observed at all stages of cellulite development. Lymphostasis and obstruction of venous outflow in the formation area contribute to petechial hemorrhages and an increase in capillary permeability, which leads to a violation of microcirculation and metabolism of collagen fibers and a slowdown in fat metabolism.

Other Factors:

A few other factors causing this issue are mentioned below:

  • Genetic.
  • Lifestyle.
  • Muscle and weight tone.
  • Age, etc. 

Stages of Development: 

A brief explanation of the stages of cellulite development is mentioned below:

Stage Changes observed 
0No visible cellulite.
1cellulite only appears on pinching, or slight dimples are shown.
2Clearly visible while standing only.
3Cellulite is visible while lying down and standing. 
4Deep depression and unesthetic changes in the texture of the skin are observed. 

Types of cellulite: 

The types of cellulite are mentioned below:

  • Soft cellulite.
  • Hard cellulite.
  • Edematous cellulite.

Treatment Options: 

Cellulite treatment is carried out in the following ways:

Laser Treatment:

Deep laser stimulation activates blood circulation and promotes the growth of new capillaries. Massage under aspiration improves lymph flow and restores skin elasticity due to tissue stimulation. The local cooling system tones blood vessels’ walls to help reduce body volume, resulting in reduced swelling.


On the contrary to laser beam, the fat cells causing cellulite are frozen down and eliminated. During the process, a specific handheld device is used, which freezes and reduces the excessive fat tissues.   

Topical creams:

One of the simplest methods to treat cellulite is the application of serums, creams, and other topical methods used for the treatment. During the treatment, the specialist recommends certain topical treatments containing retinol, caffeine, etc.    

Radiofrequency Therapy:

RF lipolysis affects the level of subcutaneous fat, which improves blood circulation, accelerates the process of splitting fats, and hypertrophic fat cells stop putting pressure on the skin. As a result, the skin condition improves, and cellulite becomes less noticeable.


With modern-day technology, cellulite is easily reduced. During the session, a mechanical massage is applied to the body. By doing so, the treatment improves the circulation of blood. 

Acoustic Wave Therapy:

During the process of acoustic wave therapy, specific sound waves are utilized, during the process. With this overall appearance of the skin is improved.   


The following treatments are combined during the process:

  • Radiofrequency and laser treatment. 
  • Endermologie and cryolipolysis.
  • Massage and topical treatment.
  • Acoustic wave therapy and subcision, etc. 

How do the Non-surgical treatments Work?

The non-surgical treatments are laser treatment, radiofrequency, etc, simply stimulating the production and functioning of collagens present within the body. By doing so, they also provide firmness to the skin too. 


After going through minimal downtime, the intensity of cellulite is reduced. Along with that, an overall improved, and firm texture of the skin is observed.  

Best Cellulite Removal Treatment Abu DHbai UAE Best Cellulite Removal Treatment Abu DHbai Best Cellulite Removal Treatment

Eligibility Criteria:

The eligibility criteria for the treatment are mentioned below:

  • Anyone who is bothered by cellulite.
  • Having overall good health condition.
  • Someone having stable weight.
  • An individual with realistic expectations from the treatment. 

Treatment Pattern:

The following steps are observed while undergoing the treatment:

What to ask During the Consultation Session? 

During the session, the following queries need to be discussed:

  • What treatment is suitable for my skin?
  • Are there any side effects observed?
  • When will I observe the outcome?
  • Can I maintain the outcome by following the cautionary measures? 

What to Bring Along During the Session? 

The following documents need to be brought along after the session:

  • Complete medical history.
  • List of questions.
  • Medication pattern.
  • Other relevant documents, etc. 


During the session, the skin is examined with the following techniques:

  • Physical examination.
  • Imaging techniques.
  • Thermography. 
  • Pinch test. 
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

How to Select the Treatment? 

The following aspects help decide the methods for the treatment:

  • Understand the goal.
  • Research feasible treatment.
  • Pocket-friendly.
  • Consult the specialist.
  • Consider the realistic reviews and testimonials.
  • Evaluate the expected outcome.
  • consider the potential downtime, etc. 

Dos and Don’ts:  

Following general dos and don’ts are followed during the treatment:


  • Timely attend the patch test. 
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Wear loose garments.
  • Engage regularly in physical exercises.

Note: Strictly follow the personalized measures recommended by the specialist.     


  • Strictly avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol.
  • Refrain from using harsh cosmetic skincare products. 
  • Avoid heavy exercises. 


This cellulite treatment method does not require a lengthy recovery. Almost 5-7 days are enough. Improvements will be noticeable immediately; however, to fully appreciate the impact of ultrasonic liposuction, you will have to wait a month, a maximum of two.


The following benefits are attained after going through the session:

  • Elimination of excess fat.
  • Enhances the circulation.
  • Customized treatment pattern.
  • Minimal to no downtime. 
  • Long-lasting outcome. 
  • Treatment can be conducted at any part of the body. 
  • Boost confidence.
  • Improve the appearance of skin. 

Why Choose Us? 

Enfield Royal Clinic is preferred among its peers, because of these aspects:

  • Experienced specialists.
  • Equipped with advanced technology.
  • Arranging customized treatment plans.
  • Comprehensive care.
  • Personalized treatment pattern.
  • Comprehensive care.
  • Comfortable and safe environment, etc. 

Reserve a Spot Today! 

Fill out the consultation form below to lock a spot for Cellulite Removal Treatment in Abu Dhabi.  


Temporary redness and swelling are observed. 

No, they can not be completely removed. 

Normally 6-12 sessions are conducted. 

No, they can not be removed with the diet plan. 

The initial outcome is observed within a few weeks. 

They are capable of leaving an unesthetic appearance.  

Weight loss can only loosen the overall fatty tissues. 

Yes, they can recur after the session. 

No, the cellulite does not hurt themselves. 

Depending on the purpose of the treatment, the treatment may or may not be covered by insurance. 

By maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, they can be prevented from getting worse. 

They are simply related to the structure of connective tissues present within the layers of skin. 

Our Doctors

Dr. Samar Goda
Dr. Samar Goda


Dr. Ahmed Naji Attiyah
Dr. Ahmed Naji

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Dr. Lara

Dr. Lara

Aesthetic Dermatologist

Happy Clients & Feedbacks

Fatima AlBarashidi
Fatima AlBarashidi
The nurses are so welcoming! Love coming to the clinic. The girls at the reception and all the nurses are lovely, its not only the attitude, also the services' quality.
Rabia Adnan
Rabia Adnan
Extremely safe and professional environment. Competent doctors and staff. Do give it a try for amazing budget-friendly prices n services.
Shahzeb Zaidi
Shahzeb Zaidi
I recently got my hair transplant done from Enfield Royal in Abu Dhabi. I must say that the team of technicians were highly skilled and comforting. I would like to thank Joan and Maryam for the great hairline and grafts that they implanted.


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